Codex is a new system of values and we can find everything in it. And it's just the opposite of Matrix. If Matrix makes you addicted, Codex sets you free. If you are trapped in Matrix, you can become free in Codex. You fly away, you really fly. But, please, not as you fly on eight bad extasies that you stuffed into your mouth after three Redbull vodkas in one evening. Since everything that doesn'go along with nature, doesn't go along with Codex.

Codex works. It's a perfect system which wipes out Matrix. It's a possibility for all who find Matrix at least a little bit superfluous. They otherwise function well in it easily, they can listen to it and vibrate with it. They know how to be happy in it and at the same time be aware that they are in Matrix. This is a mastery already. And somewhere on this level a man says to himself: I'm entering Codex. And goes higher. There, where he creates his dreams in his own way. There, where we are all free, where we are godesses and gods.